Castle Freak 1993 (VERY NSFW)

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Castle Freak 1993 (VERY NSFW)

Post by Aquarionoid »

In this 90s horror movie the titular freak, Giorgio, shackles up a hooker to imitate what the drunk main character did in an earlier sex scene (that was a lot of pubic hair). This is the most disgusting DiD scene I have ever seen and yes it has a bad ending. Not only do you see his genitals (and they are ugly), but the hooker is paralyzed of blood loss (as in does not die for a while) after her left breast got chomped. You were warned. And yes, he is missing his left thumb, he ripped it off after eating a cat. It's like a Feast prequel.

Around 55:00.
Fuck yeah, Gundam SEED is coming back!
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